The new pigging station enables LINEG’s managers to inspect and clean the installed pipeline from the top of the terrain with a pig. All this is made possible by one of the most modern pigging stations, which allows those responsible for sustainable water management to protect both the environment and the budget at the same time.
Case study: Pig trap with air valve combined in one construction.

The Kleine Goorley is an approximately 3.4 km long river in Kamp-Lintfort. Over a period of almost two decades, the Links-niederrheinischen Entwässerungs-Genossenschaft (LINEG)
has transformed the watercourse from a straightened canal into a partly winding stream. In order to fulfil the criteria of watercourse continuity according to the EU WFD for the near-natural development, the existing irrigation via the groundwater aquifer had to be replaced by the construction of a receiving water pumping station in the last stage of the project.
The new pipeline was connected to the existing pipes starting from the pumping station. Today, LINEG employees can safely inspect and clean the laid pipeline directly from the top of the terrain with a pig in just a few minutes. All this is made possible by one of the most modern pigging stations, with which those responsible for sustainable water management were able to protect both the environment and the budget at the same time.
Special boundary conditions and project requirements of LINEG
- Low overlap
- Integrated air valve with flushing option
- connection of the pressure pipe to existing irrigation pipes (different connection diameters)
In their search for an economical, sustainable and safe solution for the final construction phase, the LINEG project managers came across the innovative
QUICK-PIG pigging station from Reinert-Ritz GmbH in Nordhorn. An advanced system that has made a real name for itself in water
management and pipeline construction. The compact structure made of the durable materials PE-100 RC and V4A stainless steel is available for pipe diameters from DN/OD 50/63 to
DN/OD 350/355 and can be easily integrated into pipeline systems.

Pigging without a costly sewage manhole
The use of the modern pig trap from Reinert-Ritz has made the investment in a time-consuming and costly shaft construction unnecessary. A minimally invasive excavation was sufficient to install the compact QUICK-PIG station for the continuous irrigation of the Kleine Goorley. Another plus point for LINEG, as the construction work took place in a highly frequented public area. The pressure line was easily laid underground using the HDD flushing method.

Corrosion-resistant and durable PE pressure pipeline
The pigging station is operated directly from the top of the terrain This makes work much easier and saves time for the LINEG employees who take care of the maintenance of the pipelines around the Kleine Goorley watercourse. No one has to climb down into a narrow and poorly ventilated manhole to work on the pipeline. The station is also designed to ensure full flow during daily operation.
The simple bayonet lock allows the pig to be safely inserted and removed directly into the pipeline for maintenance or cleaning in just a few minutes.

Compared to commercially available and corrosion-prone inspection openings made of steel, the QUICK-PIG components made of PE-100 guarantee a long service life. This is sustainable and reduces LINEG’s downstream maintenance co Costs for the usual shaft renovations in the water industry are also eliminated with the use of the multifunctional structure from Reinert-Ritz.
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